Our new home is here
If anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: the old has gone, the new is here! - 2 Corinthians 5:17
After months of anticipation and planning to fulfill our vision of creating a new space for ECM, we are here. We have found our new home. And it's all thanks to you.
Please take a few minutes to watch this short video introducing you, our valued supporters, to our special heartwarming new space in South Brisbane.
A new beginning
In July, Emmanuel City Mission re-opened our doors to visitors for the first time in our new Cordelia Street premises - after 10 years in our old location.
This move, and being able to continue to serve people experiencing hardship, was only made possible because of you - our incredible supporters.
We want to pay homage to one of the driving forces behind the fit-out, the team led by Brooke Monahan at Mosaic Property Group, who helped us remain within the South Brisbane precinct.
Staying close to where we were to continue God’s work was important to us, and the visitors we serve.
South Brisbane has always been home to Emmanuel City Mission - it's close to public transport and accessible via foot to housing services, health services, and more.
From our new location, we will continue to recognise the cultural significance of many sacred landmarks for our First Nations people in the surrounding areas.
It took months to get to where we are now, and the community support has been unwavering.
Thank you for your love, care, and commitment to our cause and for helping us help those vulnerable in our community every day.
Homelessness Week 2024
As we reflect this week - Homelessness Week - on what we’ve achieved together, it all comes back to the people we serve.
We will never fail in our mission to raise awareness about the impact of homelessness on the people of Brisbane, and the solutions needed to end homelessness and advocate for change.
ECM has existed for 10 years this year and we aim to be here for decades more,
no matter what adversity is thrown at us.
At Emmanuel City Mission, we understand every person experiencing homelessness has their circumstances, and therefore individual requirements, around the support they require.
Because of people like you, we can open our (new!) doors each day - offering a healthy breakfast and lunch, a warm drink, a hot shower, and caring conversation.
We provide a safe, welcoming space for all to visit and feel like they belong.
We are proud of the community we have built and know that our visitors continue to come through our doors because we always welcome them with kindness.
Our volunteers are there every morning to welcome hundreds of people across Brisbane who are experiencing homelessness.
Remember, homelessness is not "rooflessness". Only seven percent of people without a home are sleeping rough.
The majority of homelessness is hidden - people in crisis accommodation, rooming houses, insecure housing, overcrowded dwellings or couchsurfing.
Our new premise offers all the critical services we had before, but within a larger space, so we have the capacity to help a greater number of people.
Thank you for being with us on our journey so far,
and for continuing to support all that we do.
With this year’s theme for Homelessness Week being Action Now, we will continue to take action to ensure people have access to safe and secure housing in their community.
You’re invited
When you’re next in South Brisbane, we welcome you to come and visit our new Cordelia Street space and immerse yourself in what we’re doing with God’s guidance.
Because if it wasn’t for people like you - and the volunteers who so selflessly serve - we simply couldn’t keep our doors open.
Keep an eye out on our Facebook or Instagram for the latest updates in our new space.
In the words of Isaiah:
Forget the former things: do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up: do you not perceive it? - Isaiah 43: 18-19