This week is the start of #HW2022


Together we can raise awareness and start a conversation

This week marks Homelessness Week 2022, a week where we help to raise awareness of the impact of homelessness on the people of Australia and to educate people on how they can make a difference.

At Emmanuel City Mission, we understand every individual experiencing homelessness has a unique set of circumstances and therefore unique requirements around the support they require.

This is why our mission is to provide a safe, welcoming space for all to visit and feel like they belong. We are proud of the community we have built and know that our visitors continue to come through our doors because we always welcome them with kindness.

The stats on homelessness are quite confronting, here is a snapshot of the current situation:

  • On any given night, 116,000 people in Australia are experiencing homelessness.

  • One in seven people coming to homelessness services in Australia are young people on their own.

  • Homelessness is not "rooflessness". Only seven percent of people without a home are sleeping rough. The majority of homelessness is hidden - people in crisis accommodation, rooming houses, insecure housing, overcrowded dwellings or couchsurfing.

This is why we continue to open our doors, every single day.

As part of Homelessness week, we want to share with you some of the incredible moments that happen every day at Emmanuel City Mission and what some of our amazing visitors have had to say.

"The staff at Emmanuel City Mission are always there for you, they take the time to talk with you and they don’t judge."

"Coming here keeps my mind busy and in routine so I can focus on my rehabilitation and not fall back into old, bad habits."

"On my first visit here I was a broken man, now I volunteer here 7 days a week and hope my experience with homelessness can help others."

This year the theme for Homelessness Week is to end homelessness we need a plan. So if you are keen to get involved this year we simply ask you to join the conversation and share your thoughts, concerns and share your stories on social media using the hashtag #HW2022.