A celebration of giving


Emmanuel City Mission's recent Christmas Appeal has left an unforgettable mark on our community, surpassing all expectations, raising over $238,000. This outpouring of generosity is not just a financial milestone but a testament to the collective spirit of giving that defines our community.

The highlight of the campaign was undoubtedly our Christmas tree decorating event. Held to kick off the festive season, this event was a joyous occasion where community members came together to decorate our Christmas tree and share in the spirit of giving. The festive decorations and the live music performed by our very own Rob Snr created an atmosphere of warmth and togetherness.

Impactful Donations at Work

The funds raised through the Christmas Appeal will have a profound impact on our ability to provide essential services to those in need. From nutritious meals to clothing and support, each donation contributes to creating positive change in the lives of many. This support extends beyond the immediate holiday season, ensuring a lasting positive impact.

Behind every donation, there is a story of compassion and a desire to make a difference. Individuals from all walks of life, each with their unique circumstances, came together to contribute to a shared vision of a community where everyone feels cared for and supported. These heartwarming stories remind us that positive change is possible when we unite with a shared purpose. 

Making a Lasting Difference

As we express our gratitude for all of our amazing supporters who made this achievement possible, we also acknowledge the strength of our community which includes our volunteer army, dedicated staff, schools and corporate partners. Your support, whether big or small, has played a crucial role in creating a better, more compassionate world. Emmanuel City Mission remains committed to its mission of providing hope, warmth, and support, and your generosity fuels our determination.

Looking ahead, we are committed to utilising the funds raised effectively, ensuring that they make a meaningful impact on the lives of those who benefit from our services. The success of the Christmas Appeal is not just a financial victory but a reflection of the shared values and commitment of our community to create positive change.

The Emmanuel City Mission team looks forward to continuing the journey of making a positive impact, guided by the spirit of community and compassion. Together, we can create a brighter and more hopeful future for all.