Our resident hairdresser

We recently sat down for a chat with our resident hairdresser Michelle to find out what drives her to volunteer at Emmanuel City Mission. This is her story.  

My volunteering journey started in 1987 at Ronald McDonald House in Newtown, Wellington, New Zealand. Every Thursday afternoon I would cut hair for the kids before they undertook their cancer treatment. Many would be wearing ‘Mohican style cuts’ or jazzy coloured hair to brighten up their day before treatment began. This was then extended to their parents who were staying overnight and had come from far and wide - however the parents did request much more conservative styles. 😀 So the volunteering evolution had begun.

Once I arrived in Australia, I found myself providing a service for Ozcare and then Blind Eye, now known as Emmanuel City Mission. I have been there now for over 4 years.

I am always surprised when people tell me that the hairdressing service I provide is such a wonderful thing to do. When they ask me about my motivations, I say I’m simply being selfish. I know they’re often perplexed by this response but what I mean is, I benefit too. Volunteering not only gives me a purpose which enhances my well-being, it importantly feeds my soul.

Peoples’ individual motivations for volunteering I’m sure have many driving factors but for me trying to provide professionalism in some trying environments drives me, because such a simple service makes the beneficiary feel like part of the community. Sporting a modern style haircut allows ECM’s visitors to feel as one in the community. Services, such as the one I provide are so important to an individual’s self-esteem and well-being, that’s why I would like to move into a professional hair service within the framework - where all beneficiaries receive full hair service without limits.

Michelle volunteers at ECM twice a week and the difference her services make to someone struggling is hard to put into words. To some, it may be just a 'haircut' but to the homeless and vulnerable it means so much more.

To achieve Michelle's wish for a professional workstation, we need to purchase the following items:

Pablo Barber Chair $795
Dover Shampoo Unit $810
Plumbing services $1,000

If you would like to help purchase these big wish items, please contact Michael McDade on 0418 719 672 or email michael.mcdade@ecm.org.au. Michelle, and all of our ECM visitors would be so grateful for your kindness. God bless.