Keeping our visitors’ valuables safe


One of the many challenges faced by our visitors is the safe storage of their belongings.

Contrary to the stereotype of homelessness, many of the visitors who walk through our doors have important documents which they need to keep safe. Along with clothes, photo albums, blankets and raincoats.

It may seem like such a small thing to others but providing lockers for safe storage of important possessions means that our visitors have what they need to apply for housing and income support as well as knowing that the things they most treasure in the world will be safe.

Without safe and secure storage availability, there is a very real danger of items being lost or stolen.

The installation of lockers within the centre would mean our visitors could store their belongings securely giving them greater peace of mind.

Thanks to the wonderful generosity of CCI Giving we have been able to recently place an order to install lockers for our visitors to use.

We are so grateful for this amazing gift, and can’t wait to show you when they are installed at Emmanuel City Mission in the coming weeks.